[魏京生, Wèi Jīng shēng, ㄨㄟˋ ㄐㄧㄥ ㄕㄥ]Wei Jingsheng (1950-), Beijing-based Chinese dissident, imprisoned 1978-1993 and 1995-1997, released to the US in 1997#127543[Add to Longdo]
Partikel { n }; Teilchen { n } | angelagerte Partikel | eingeschleppte Partikel | im Raum freigesetzte Partikel | luftgetragenes Partikel; schwebendes Teilchen | Partikel abgeben
particle | adherent particles | imported particles | released particles | airborne particle | to shed particles[Add to Longdo]
[puromaido](n) (See ブロマイド) Promide (product name for bromides released by Marubell); bromide (publicity photograph of a movie star, entertainer, etc.)[Add to Longdo]
[きつねがおちる, kitsunegaochiru](exp, v1) to cease being possessed (by the spirit of a fox); to be released from the grasp of the fox spirit; to be exorcised from the fox spirit[Add to Longdo]