n. A rocket-propelled missile of long range which is guided only during the powered portion of its flight, which usually takes only a small part of the total flight time; -- contrasted with
intercontinental ballistic missile
intermediate range ballistic missile
n. [ L. missile. ]
Numerous types of rocket-propelled missile{ 2 } are now used in modern warfare. Some types with names indicating their range or function are:
a. [ L. missils, fr. mittere, missum, to cause to go, to send, to throw; cf. Lith. mesti to throw: cf. F. missile. Cf. Admit, Dismiss, Mass the religious service, Message, Mission. ] Capable of being thrown; adapted for hurling or to be projected from the hand, or from any instrument or engine{ 2 }, so as to strike an object at a distance. [ 1913 Webster ]
We bend the bow, or wing the missile dart. Pope. [ 1913 Webster ]