n. A paragraph describing something wonderful, used to fill out a newspaper column; -- an allusion to the miracle of Balaam's ass speaking. Numb. xxii. 30. [ Cant ] [ 1913 Webster ]
Balaam basket or box (Print.),
prop. n. (Geography) The administrative capital
n. See Coleslaw. [ 1913 Webster ]
v. t. & i. [ From Laager, n. ] To form into, or camp in, a laager, or protected camp. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]
n. [ D., also leger. Cf. 2d Leaguer, Lair. ] A camp, especially one surrounded by a circular formation of travelers' wagons for temporary defense. [ South Africa ]
Wagons . . . can be readily formed into a laager, a camp, by being drawn into a circle, with the oxen placed inside and so kept safe from the attacks of wild beasts. James Bryce. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]
n. A lace. See Lace. [ Obs. ] Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ]
‖n. Same as Salam. [ 1913 Webster ]
Finally, Josiah might have made his salaam to the exciseman just as he was folding up that letter. Prof. Wilson. [ 1913 Webster ]
v. i. To make or perform a salam. [ 1913 Webster ]
I have salaamed and kowtowed to him. H. James. [ 1913 Webster ]