[バカがうつる(バカが移る);ばかがうつる(馬鹿が移る), baka gautsuru ( baka ga utsuru ); bakagautsuru ( baka ga utsuru )](exp, v5r) (col) to catch 'the stupid' (e.g. from talking to stupid people, watching mindless TV, etc.)[Add to Longdo]
[バカがい(バカ貝);ばかがい(馬鹿貝;馬珂貝);バカガイ, baka gai ( baka kai ); bakagai ( baka kai ; uma ka kai ); bakagai](n) (uk) Mactra chinensis (species of trough shell)[Add to Longdo]
[ワープロばか, wa-puro baka](n) { comp } someone whose kanji-writing ability has suffered due to overreliance on the kana-to-kanji conversion systems used to input Japanese text on a computer[Add to Longdo]
[きかいばか, kikaibaka](n) skilled engineer (mechanic) who is clumsy in all other matters; person who gets a great kick out of tinkering with anything mechanical[Add to Longdo]
[ばかのかべ(馬鹿の壁);バカのかべ(バカの壁), bakanokabe ( baka no kabe ); baka nokabe ( baka no kabe )](exp) phenomenon that perfect reasoning fail if an idiot cannot understand[Add to Longdo]
[ばかチョンカメラ;バカチョンカメラ, baka chonkamera ; bakachonkamera](n) (uk) (vulg) (note that チョン is often a racist term for Koreans) automatic camera (lit[Add to Longdo]