n. [ Russ. bieluga a sort of large sturgeon, prop. white fish, fr. bieluii white. The whale is now commonly called bieluka in Russian. ] 1. (Zool.) A cetacean allied to the dolphins. [ 1913 Webster ]
☞ The northern beluga (Delphinapterus catodon) is the white whale and white fish of the whalers. It grows to be from twelve to eighteen feet long. [ 1913 Webster ]
2. the sturgeon (Huso huso) native to the Black Sea and Caspian Sea; -- also called hausen. It is valued for its roe, sold as caviar, and is also used for production of isinglass. See also sturgeon. [ PJC ]
3. the caviar obtained from the beluga{ 2 }; -- also called beluga caviar. The caviar of the beluga is considered the finest sort, larger and of a taste superior to that obtained from other sturgeon. See also sturgeon and caviar. [ PJC ]
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