n. (Zool.) The sapphirine gurnard (Trigla hirundo). See Illust. under Gurnard. [ Prov. Eng. ] [ 1913 Webster ]
v. t.
Published was the bounty of her name. Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ]
The unwearied sun, from day to day,
Does his Creator's power display,
And publishes to every land
The work of an almighty hand. Addison. [ 1913 Webster ]
To publish a will (Law),
a. Capable of being published; suitable for publication. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. One who publishes;
For love of you, not hate unto my friend,
Hath made me publisher of this pretense. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]
v. t.
Published was the bounty of her name. Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ]
The unwearied sun, from day to day,
Does his Creator's power display,
And publishes to every land
The work of an almighty hand. Addison. [ 1913 Webster ]
To publish a will (Law),
a. Capable of being published; suitable for publication. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. One who publishes;
For love of you, not hate unto my friend,
Hath made me publisher of this pretense. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]