The tribual lispings of the Ephraimites. Fuller. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ L. tribunal, fr. tribunus a tribune who administered justice: cf. F. tribunal. See Tribune. ]
‖n. [ Sp. ] In villages of the Philippine Islands, a kind of townhall. At the tribunal the head men of the village met to transact business, prisoners were confined, and troops and travelers were often quartered. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]
n. [ L. tribunal, fr. tribunus a tribune who administered justice: cf. F. tribunal. See Tribune. ]
‖n. [ Sp. ] In villages of the Philippine Islands, a kind of townhall. At the tribunal the head men of the village met to transact business, prisoners were confined, and troops and travelers were often quartered. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]