[kaētūa] (v) EN: make an excuse ; offer an excuse ; find an excuse ; justify oneself ; make amendsFR: s'excuser ; présenter ses excuses ; faire amende honorable ; se justifier
[kē rōngrīen] (v, exp) EN: pay truant from schoolFR: faire l'école buissonnière ; s'absenter de l'école sans autorisation ; manquer les cours ; sécher le lycée (fam.) ; brosser les cours (fam. - Belg.)
[khøthōt] (v) EN: apologize ; make an apology ; beg your pardon ; excuse ; pardon ; ask for forgivenessFR: s'excuser ; présenter ses excuses ; demander pardon ; exprimer des regrets
[kameko](n) (abbr) (See カメラ小僧) photographer, usually an amateur, who likes to take pictures of models and presenter ladies in exhibitions[Add to Longdo]
[カメラこぞう, kamera kozou](n) (See カメコ) photographer, usually an amateur, who likes to take pictures of models and presenter ladies in exhibitions[Add to Longdo]
[あかはら, akahara](n) (1) (uk) brown-headed thrush (Turdus chrysolaus); (2) (uk) (See 石斑魚) Japanese dace (Tribolodon hakonensis); (3) (uk) (col) (See 井守) Japanese fire belly newt (Cynops pyrrhogaster); (4) (col) (See 赤痢) dysentery[Add to Longdo]