[tosuru](exp, vs-i) (1) (after the volitional form of verb) to try to ...; to be about to do ...; (2) (after the dictionary form of verb) to decide to ...; (3) to take as; to treat as; (4) to use for; (5) to suppose that (such) is the case; to assume; (6) to decide that; to think that; (7) to make into; to change into; (8) to feel (e.g. after sound symbolism or psychological experience word); to look; to feel like; (9) (with を目的) to intend; to have the intention[Add to Longdo]
[naika](exp) (1) (See ませんか) (used to ask a question in the negative) won't (hasn't, isn't, doesn't, etc.); (2) (used to make invitations, express desires or give indirect commands) won't you[Add to Longdo]
[masenka](exp) (1) (pol) (See ます) (used to ask a question in the negative) won't (hasn't, isn't, doesn't, etc.); (2) (used to make invitations, express desires or give indirect commands) won't you; (P)[Add to Longdo]
[くるわす, kuruwasu](v5s) (1) to drive mad; to make insane; (2) to cause a malfunction; to put out of order; to throw out of kilter; (3) to derail (a plan, etc.)[Add to Longdo]