(n)the Lateran Council in 1215 was the most important council of the Middle Ages; issued a creed against Albigensianism, published reformatory decrees, promulgated the doctrine of transubstantiation, and clarified church doctrine on the Trinity and Incarnation
n. 1. One of four equal parts into which one whole may be divided; the quotient of a unit divided by four. [ 1913 Webster ]
2. (Mus.) The interval of two tones and a semitone, embracing four diatonic degrees of the scale; the subdominant of any key. [ 1913 Webster ]
3. One coming next in order after the third. [ 1913 Webster ]
The Fourth, specifically, in the United States, the fourth day of July, the anniversary of the declaration of American independence; as, to celebrate the Fourth. [ 1913 Webster ]
(n)the Year of Rabbit, See Also:fourth year of the Thai animal cycle, Syn.ปีเถาะ, ปีกระต่าย, Example:ที่จริงบุคคลนั้นเกิดปีมะโรงแต่เขาไปผูกดวงเป็นปีเถาะ, Thai Definition:ชื่อปีที่ 4 ของรอบปีนักษัตร มีกระต่ายเป็นเครื่องหมาย
[第四纪 / 第四紀, dì sì jì, ㄉㄧˋ ㄙˋ ㄐㄧˋ]fourth period; quaternary (geological period covering the recent ice ages over the last 180, 000 years)#57640[Add to Longdo]
[五四, wǔ sì, ㄨˇ ㄙˋ]fourth of May, cf 五四運動|五四运动, national renewal movement that started with 4th May 1919 protest against the Treaty of Versailles[Add to Longdo]
[きん, kin](n, n-suf) (1) gold; golden (color); metaphor for (most) valuable; gold (medal, cup); (2) money (written before an amount); (3) (abbr) (See 金曜) Friday; (4) (See 五行・1) metal (fourth of the five elements); (5) Jin (dynasty of China; 1115-1234 CE); (6) (abbr) (See 金将) gold general (shogi); (7) (abbr) (col) (See 金玉・きんたま) testicles; (suf, ctr) (8) karat; carat; (P)#176[Add to Longdo]