n. A kind of linen first manufactured in Holland; a linen fabric used for window shades, children's garments, etc.; as, brown or unbleached hollands. [ 1913 Webster ]
{ or } n. [ F. hollandaise, fem. of hollandais Dutch. ] (Cookery) A sauce consisting essentially of a seasoned emulsion of butter and yolk of eggs with a little lemon juice or vinegar. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]
[pet chēldak] (n, exp) EN: Common ShelduckFR: Tadorne de Belon [ m ] ; Canard tadorne [ m ] ; Tadorne ordinaire [ m ] ; Tadorne vulgaire [ m ] ; Canard hollandais [ m ] ; Canard de Flandre [ m ] ; Ringan [ m ]