‖a. [ F., p.p. of flamber to singe, pass (a thing) through flame. Cf. Flambeau. ] 1. (Ceramics) Decorated by glaze splashed or irregularly spread upon the surface, or apparently applied at the top and allowed to run down the sides; -- said of pieces of Chinese porcelain. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]
2. a. [ F., p.p. of flamber to singe, pass (a thing) through flame. ] (Cooking) Dipped in or covered with a flammable liqueur and set afire when served; -- usually used postpositively; as, cherries flambe. [ PJC ]
n.; pl.Flambeaux r Flambeaus [ F., fr. OF. flambe flame, for flamble, from L. flammula a little flame, dim. of flamma flame. See Flame. ] A flaming torch, esp. one made by combining together a number of thick wicks invested with a quick-burning substance (anciently, perhaps, wax; in modern times, pitch or the like); hence, any torch. [ 1913 Webster ]
English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]Hope Dictionary
[lon] (v) EN: singe ; hold something over the fire ; expose to heat ; soften something with the fire ; smoke on a flameFR: flamber ; passer à la flamme