a. Like the of a fish; acting, or producing something, like the tail of a fish. [ 1913 Webster ]
v. t. (aeronautics) to slow down by moving the tail sideways, of an airplane. [ WordNet 1.5 ]
v. i. to have the rear end skid from side to side, out of control: -- said of automobiles or other vehicles. [ PJC ]
Fish-tail burner,
Fish-tail propeller (Steamship),
v. t. (aeronautics) to slow down by moving the tail sideways, of an airplane. [ WordNet 1.5 ]
v. i. to have the rear end skid from side to side, out of control: -- said of automobiles or other vehicles. [ PJC ]
Fish-tail burner,
Fish-tail propeller (Steamship),