n. two events, usually entertainment or sports performances, occurring immediately in succession or within a short time of each other; especially, two sports games played by the same teams on the same day, one right after another. A doubleheader in baseball is often scheduled between teams when a previously shceduled game is postponed, as due to rain or other interfering factors. In such cases, the admission price for the doubleheader remains that of a single game, though two games are played.
n. two events, usually entertainment or sports performances, occurring immediately in succession or within a short time of each other; especially, two sports games played by the same teams on the same day, one right after another. A doubleheader in baseball is often scheduled between teams when a previously shceduled game is postponed, as due to rain or other interfering factors. In such cases, the admission price for the doubleheader remains that of a single game, though two games are played.