n. [ Pref. di- + butyl. ] (Chem.) A liquid hydrocarbon,
n. [ L. butyrum butter + -yl. See Butter. ] (Chem.) A compound radical, regarded as butane, less one atom of hydrogen. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Butyric + -yl + amine. ] (Org. Chem.) A colorless liquid base,
v. t. to introduce the butyl group into (a chemical compound). [ WordNet 1.5 ]
n. [ From Butyl. ]
n. (Chem.) A volatile liquid,
n. [ L. butyrum butter + -yl. See Butter. ] (Chem.) A compound radical, regarded as butane, less one atom of hydrogen. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Butyric + -yl + amine. ] (Org. Chem.) A colorless liquid base,
v. t. to introduce the butyl group into (a chemical compound). [ WordNet 1.5 ]
n. [ From Butyl. ]
n. (Chem.) A volatile liquid,