n. [ F., fr. croupe hind quarters. ] (Man.) A leap in which the horse pulls up his hind legs toward his belly. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ F. croisade, fr. Pr. crozada, or Sp cruzada, or It. crociata, from a verb signifying to take the cross, mark one's self with a cross, fr. L. crux cross; or possibly taken into English directly fr. Pr. Cf. Croisade, Crosado, and see Cross. ]
v. i.
n. One engaged in a crusade;
Azure-eyed and golden-haired,
Forth the young crusaders fared. Longfellow. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ F. croisade, fr. Pr. crozada, or Sp cruzada, or It. crociata, from a verb signifying to take the cross, mark one's self with a cross, fr. L. crux cross; or possibly taken into English directly fr. Pr. Cf. Croisade, Crosado, and see Cross. ]
v. i.
n. One engaged in a crusade;
Azure-eyed and golden-haired,
Forth the young crusaders fared. Longfellow. [ 1913 Webster ]