n. A machine for spreading out cotton cloths to prepare them for printing. [ 1913 Webster ]
v. t.
Those frosts that winter brings
Which candy every green. Drayson. [ 1913 Webster ]
v. i.
n. [ F. candi. See Candy, v. t. ]
‖ n. [ Mahratta kha&nsdot_;&dsdot_;ī, Tamil ka&nsdot_;&dsdot_;i. ] A weight, at Madras 500 pounds, at Bombay 560 pounds. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. a candy made by spinning sugar that has been boiled to a high temperature; -- called commonly
n. someone who makes candies and other sweets.
n. (Bot.) An annual plant of the genus
n. bog plant (Polygala lutea) of pine barrens of southeastern U.S. having spikes of irregular yellow-orange flowers.
v. t.
Those frosts that winter brings
Which candy every green. Drayson. [ 1913 Webster ]
v. i.
n. [ F. candi. See Candy, v. t. ]
‖ n. [ Mahratta kha&nsdot_;&dsdot_;ī, Tamil ka&nsdot_;&dsdot_;i. ] A weight, at Madras 500 pounds, at Bombay 560 pounds. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. a candy made by spinning sugar that has been boiled to a high temperature; -- called commonly
n. someone who makes candies and other sweets.
n. (Bot.) An annual plant of the genus
n. bog plant (Polygala lutea) of pine barrens of southeastern U.S. having spikes of irregular yellow-orange flowers.