‖n. [ G., from bund (akin to E. bond) confederacy + rath council, prob. akin to E. read. ] Lit., a federal council, esp. of the German Empire. In the German Empire the legislative functions are vested in the Bundesrath and the Reichstag. The federal council of Switzerland is also so called. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]
☞ The Bundesrath of the German empire is presided over by a chancellor, and is composed of sixty-two members, who represent the different states of the empire, being appointed for each session by their respective governments. [ 1913 Webster ]
By this united congress, the highest tribunal of Switzerland, -- the Bundesrath -- is chosen, and the head of this is a president. J. P. Peters (Trans. Müller's Pol. Hist.). [ 1913 Webster ]