v. i. [ Cf. G. jucken, D. yeuken, joken. See Itch. ] To itch. [ Prov. Eng. ] Grose. [ 1913 Webster ]
v. t. To scratch. [ Prov. Eng. ] Wright. [ 1913 Webster ]
interj. an interjection expressing repugnance or distaste. [ PJC ]
n. a laugh; also, a joke or gag; -- usually used in the plural,
n. (Zool.) Same as Yockel. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. a reaction of repugnance or distaste; -- used in discussion of acceptability of proposed new foods, medicines, etc. among potential consumers or patients. [ PJC ]
a. Repugnant or distasteful. [ slang ]