n. [ L. tetrarches, Gr. &unr_;, &unr_;;
a. Four. [ Obs. ] Fuller. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Cf. F. tétrarchat. ] (Rom. Antiq.) A tetrarchy. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. [ Gr. &unr_;. ] Of or pertaining to a tetrarch or tetrarchy. Bolingbroke. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ L. tetrarches, Gr. &unr_;, &unr_;;
a. Four. [ Obs. ] Fuller. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Cf. F. tétrarchat. ] (Rom. Antiq.) A tetrarchy. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. [ Gr. &unr_;. ] Of or pertaining to a tetrarch or tetrarchy. Bolingbroke. [ 1913 Webster ]