n. A small sphere. [ 1913 Webster ]
Knaves, thieves, and treachers by spherical predominance. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]
Though the stars were suns, and overburned
Their spheric limitations. Mrs. Browning. [ 1913 Webster ]
Spherical angle,
Spherical coordinate,
Spherical excess
Spherical geometry,
Spherical harmonic analysis.
Spherical lune,
Spherical opening,
Spherical polygon,
Spherical projection,
Spherical sector.
Spherical segment,
Spherical triangle,
Spherical trigonometry.
Knaves, thieves, and treachers by spherical predominance. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]
Though the stars were suns, and overburned
Their spheric limitations. Mrs. Browning. [ 1913 Webster ]
Spherical angle,
Spherical coordinate,
Spherical excess
Spherical geometry,
Spherical harmonic analysis.
Spherical lune,
Spherical opening,
Spherical polygon,
Spherical projection,
Spherical sector.
Spherical segment,
Spherical triangle,
Spherical trigonometry.