a. [ NL. rusa, the name of the genus, Malay rūsa deer. ] (Zool.) Of, like, or pertaining to, a deer of the genus
Rusine antler (Zool.),
a. [ L. ursinus, from ursus a bear. See Ursa. ] Of or pertaining to a bear; resembling a bear. [ 1913 Webster ]
Ursine baboon. (Zool.)
Ursine dasyure (Zool.),
Ursine howler (Zool.),
Ursine seal. (Zool.)
a. [ L. ursinus, from ursus a bear. See Ursa. ] Of or pertaining to a bear; resembling a bear. [ 1913 Webster ]
Ursine baboon. (Zool.)
Ursine dasyure (Zool.),
Ursine howler (Zool.),
Ursine seal. (Zool.)