{ } a. [ Cf. F. paragogique. ] Of, pertaining to, or constituting, a paragoge; added to the end of, or serving to lengthen, a word. [ 1913 Webster ]
Paragogic letters, in the Semitic languages, letters which are added to the ordinary forms of words, to express additional emphasis, or some change in the sense. [ 1913 Webster ]
{ } a. [ Gr. paidagwgiko`s: cf. F. pédagogique. See Pedagogue. ] Of or pertaining to a pedagogue; suited to, or characteristic of, a pedagogue. [ 1913 Webster ]
English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]Hope Dictionary
{ } a. [ Gr. paidagwgiko`s: cf. F. pédagogique. See Pedagogue. ] Of or pertaining to a pedagogue; suited to, or characteristic of, a pedagogue. [ 1913 Webster ]
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