n. [ L. mobilitas: cf. F. mobilité. ] 1. The quality or state of being mobile; as, the mobility of a liquid, of an army, of the populace, of features, of a muscle. Sir T. Browne. [ 1913 Webster ]
2. The mob; the lower classes. [ Humorous ] Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]
English-Thai: NECTEC'sLexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]NECTEC Lexitron Dictionary EN-TH
n. [ L. mobilitas: cf. F. mobilité. ] 1. The quality or state of being mobile; as, the mobility of a liquid, of an army, of the populace, of features, of a muscle. Sir T. Browne. [ 1913 Webster ]
2. The mob; the lower classes. [ Humorous ] Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]
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