n. [ Pref. im- not + L. meabilis passable, fr. meare to pass. ] Lack of power to pass, or to permit passage; impassableness. [ 1913 Webster ]
Immeability of the juices. Arbuthnot. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ L. immobilitas, fr. immobilis immovable; pref. im- not + mobilis movable: cf. F. immobilité. See Mobile. ] The condition or quality of being immobile; fixedness in place or state. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ L. immobilitas, fr. immobilis immovable; pref. im- not + mobilis movable: cf. F. immobilité. See Mobile. ] The condition or quality of being immobile; fixedness in place or state. [ 1913 Webster ]