n. [ OE. hound, hund, dog, AS. hund; akin to OS. & OFries. hund, D. hond, G. hund, OHG. hunt, Icel. hundr, Dan. & Sw. hund, Goth. hunds, and prob. to Lith. sz&unr_;, Ir. & Gael. cu, L. canis, Gr. &unr_;, &unr_;, Skr. çvan. √229. Cf. Canine, Cynic, Kennel. ]
Hounds and greyhounds, mongrels, spaniels, curs. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]
To follow the hounds,
v. t.
n. (Zool.) Any small shark of the genus
☞ The European nursehound, or small-spotted dogfish, is Scyllium canicula; the rough houndfish, or large-spotted dogfish, is Scyllium catulus. The name has also sometimes been applied to the bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix), and to the silver gar. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ AS. hundes tunge. ] (Bot.) A biennial weed (Cynoglossum officinale), with soft tongue-shaped leaves, and an offensive odor. It bears nutlets covered with barbed or hooked prickles. Called also