n. A false die. See Gord.
n. [ F. gourde, OF. cougourde, gouhourde, fr. L. cucurbita gourd (cf. NPr. cougourdo); perh. akin to corbin basket, E. corb. Cf. Cucurbite. ]
Bitter gourd,
n. [ From Gourdy. ] (Far.) The state of being gourdy. [ 1913 Webster ]
(Bot.) A tree (the Crescentia Cujete, or calabash tree) of the West Indies and Central America. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. (Zool.) The fluke of sheep. See Fluke. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. [ Either fr. gourd, or fr. F. gourd benumbed. ] (Far.) Swelled in the legs. [ 1913 Webster ]