v. i. To look beforehand or forward. [ Obs. ] Spenser. [ 1913 Webster ]
Forelock bolt,
Forelock hook (Rope Making),
To take time by the forelock
To take occasion by the forelock
Time is painted with a lock before and bald behind, signifying thereby that we must take time by the forelock; for when it is once past, there is no recalling it. Swift. [ 1913 Webster ]
On occasion's forelock watchful wait. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]
Forelock bolt,
Forelock hook (Rope Making),
To take time by the forelock
To take occasion by the forelock
Time is painted with a lock before and bald behind, signifying thereby that we must take time by the forelock; for when it is once past, there is no recalling it. Swift. [ 1913 Webster ]
On occasion's forelock watchful wait. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]