n. One who beats with a cudgel.
n. [ OE. kuggel; cf. G. keule club (with a round end), kugel ball, or perh. W. cogyl cudgel, or D. cudse, kuds, cudgel. ] A staff used in cudgel play, shorter than the quarterstaff, and wielded with one hand; hence, any heavy stick used as a weapon. [ 1913 Webster ]
He getteth him a grievous crabtree cudgel and . . . falls to rating of them as if they were dogs. Bunyan. [ 1913 Webster ]
Cudgel play,
To cross the cudgels,
To take up cudgels for,
v. t.
An he here, I would cudgel him like a dog. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]
To cudgel one's brains,
n. [ OE. kuggel; cf. G. keule club (with a round end), kugel ball, or perh. W. cogyl cudgel, or D. cudse, kuds, cudgel. ] A staff used in cudgel play, shorter than the quarterstaff, and wielded with one hand; hence, any heavy stick used as a weapon. [ 1913 Webster ]
He getteth him a grievous crabtree cudgel and . . . falls to rating of them as if they were dogs. Bunyan. [ 1913 Webster ]
Cudgel play,
To cross the cudgels,
To take up cudgels for,
v. t.
An he here, I would cudgel him like a dog. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]
To cudgel one's brains,
n. One who beats with a cudgel.