n. [ F. aliénation, L. alienatio, fr. alienare, fr. alienare. See Alienate. ] 1. The act of alienating, or the state of being alienated. [ 1913 Webster ]
2. (Law) A transfer of title, or a legal conveyance of property to another. [ 1913 Webster ]
3. A withdrawing or estrangement, as of the affections. [ 1913 Webster ]
The alienation of his heart from the king. Bacon. [ 1913 Webster ]
4. Mental alienation; derangement of the mental faculties; insanity; as, alienation of mind. [ 1913 Webster ]
Syn. -- Insanity; lunacy; madness; derangement; aberration; mania; delirium; frenzy; dementia; monomania. See Insanity. [ 1913 Webster ]