n. [ Gael. sluagh-ghairm, i.e., an army cry; sluagh army + gairm a call, calling. ] The war cry, or gathering word, of a Highland clan in Scotland. Sir W. Scott. [ 1913 Webster ]
2.Hence: A distinctive motto, phrase, or cry used by any person or party to express a purpose or ideal; a catchphrase; a rallying cry. [ PJC ]
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[かちょうふうえい, kachoufuuei](exp) (See 花鳥風月) the beauties of nature as the key poetic theme; the central theme in composing poetry (haiku) must be the beauties of nature and the harmony that exist between nature and man. (The slogan of the Hototogisu School of modern Japanese haiku)[Add to Longdo]