n. A person who is not very intelligent or interested in culture; a hayseed.
n. [ North American Indian pawcohiccora (Capt. J. Smith) a kind of milk or oily liquor pressed from pounded hickory nuts. “Pohickory” is named in a list of Virginia trees, in 1653, and this was finally shortened to “hickory.” J. H. Trumbull. ] (Bot.) An American tree of the genus
Hickory shad. (Zool.)
n. A member or follower of the “liberal” party, headed by Elias Hicks, which, because of a change of views respecting the divinity of Christ and the Atonement, seceded from the conservative portion of the Society of Friends in the United States, in 1827. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. & v. i. See Hiccough.