n. [ From Fend, v. t. & i., cf. Defender. ] One who or that which defends or protects by warding off harm; as: (a) A screen to prevent coals or sparks of an open fire from escaping to the floor. (b) Anything serving as a cushion to lessen the shock when a vessel comes in contact with another vessel or a wharf. (c) A screen to protect a carriage from mud thrown off the wheels: also, a splashboard. (d) Anything set up to protect an exposed angle, as of a house, from damage by carriage wheels. [ 1913 Webster ]
English-Thai: NECTEC'sLexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]NECTEC Lexitron Dictionary EN-TH
n. [ From Fend, v. t. & i., cf. Defender. ] One who or that which defends or protects by warding off harm; as: (a) A screen to prevent coals or sparks of an open fire from escaping to the floor. (b) Anything serving as a cushion to lessen the shock when a vessel comes in contact with another vessel or a wharf. (c) A screen to protect a carriage from mud thrown off the wheels: also, a splashboard. (d) Anything set up to protect an exposed angle, as of a house, from damage by carriage wheels. [ 1913 Webster ]
ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitlesตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Open Subtitles**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
[phūphit] (n) EN: wrongdoer ; guilty person ; offender ; mistaken person ; person in errorFR: fautif [ m ] ; coupable [ m ] ; inculpé [ m ] ; inculpée [ f ]
[ぎゃくギレ(逆ギレ);ぎゃくぎれ(逆切れ), gyaku gire ( gyaku gire ); gyakugire ( gyaku kire )](n, vs) (sl) (See キレる) being angry at someone who would normally be angry at you; situation wherein the offender is angry at the victim[Add to Longdo]