n. a genus of plants consisting of one species, the saguaro.
n. [ For carnelian; influenced by L. carneus fleshy, of flesh, because of its flesh red color. See Cornellan. ] (Min.) A variety of chalcedony, of a clear, deep red, flesh red, or reddish white color. It is moderately hard, capable of a good polish, and often used for seals. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. [ L. carneus, from caro, carnis, flesh. ] Consisting of, or like, flesh; carnous; fleshy. “Carneous fibers.” Ray. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Cf. L. carneus flesh. ] (Far.) A disease of horses, in which the mouth is so furred that the afflicted animal can not eat. [ 1913 Webster ]