[じょうず(P);じょうて;じょうしゅ, jouzu (P); joute ; joushu](adj-na, n) (1) upper part; (n) (2) (かみて only) upper stream; upper course of a river; (3) (かみて only) right side of the stage (audience's or camera's POV); stage left (actor's POV); (adj-na, n) (4) (うわて only) skillful (only in comparisons); dexterity (only in comparisons); (n) (5) (うわて only) over-arm grip on opponent's belt (sumo)#10556[Add to Longdo]
[わきざ(脇座);ワキざ(ワキ座), wakiza ( waki za ); waki za ( waki za )](n) (See 脇・わき・5) downstage left (in noh), where the secondary actor is often seated[Add to Longdo]
[わきばしら, wakibashira](n) (1) (See 脇・わき・5) downstage left pillar (on a noh stage), by which the supporting actor introduces himself; (2) doorjamb; jambe; jamb[Add to Longdo]