(n)play performed by all male, Ant.ละครใน, Example:ผู้แสดงละครนอกจะต้องมีความคล่องแคล่วในการรำ และร้อง, Unit:เรื่อง, Thai Definition:ละครที่ผู้แสดงเป็นชายล้วนซึ่งราษฎรเป็นผู้จัดเล่น
(n)deed performed by Buddhist monks in the temple precincts, Example:พระภิกษุเข้าประชุมทำสังฆกรรมในโบสถ์ครบองค์ประชุมตามประเภทของแต่ละสังฆกรรม, Thai Definition:กิจที่พระสงฆ์ตั้งแต่ 4 รูปร่วมกันกระทำภายในสีมา
(n)rite performed before cutting a tree, Syn.พิธีเบิกไม้, Example:เจ้าของโครงการขอร้องให้ทำพิธีเบิกไม้ก่อนลงมือตัดไม้, Thai Definition:พิธีเซ่นผีป่า หรือรุกขเทวดา ก่อนจะตัดไม้ใหญ่ในป่าสูง
[早操, zǎo cāo, ㄗㄠˇ ㄘㄠ]morning exercises (physical exercises commonly performed en masse at schools and workplaces in East Asian countries)#41094[Add to Longdo]
unterdurchschnittlich abschneiden; hinter den Erwartungen zurückbleiben | unterdurchschnittlich abschneidend; hinter den Erwartungen zurückbleibend | unterdurchschnittlich abgeschnitten; hinter den Erwartungen zurückgeblieben
to underperform | underperforming | underperformed[Add to Longdo]
uraufführen | es wurde uraufgeführt
to premiere; to perform first; to give the first performance | it was performed first[Add to Longdo]
[ちゅうしんぐら, chuushingura](n) (See 浄瑠璃) performance or narrative based on the story of the Forty-seven Ronin (esp. the Kanadehon Chushingura, an epic puppet play first performed in 1748)#12314[Add to Longdo]
[たらいまわし, taraimawashi](n, vs) (1) acrobatic barrel-rolling (performed using the feet while lying on the back); (2) handing something around (within a fixed group of people in a pre-arranged order); (3) handing off a problem to someone else (in order to evade responsibility)[Add to Longdo]
[iramachio ; imarachio](n) (vulg) (sl) (See フェラチオ) irrumatio (fellatio wherein the majority of movement is performed by the felatee) (lat[Add to Longdo]
[ソーランぶし, so-ran bushi](n) traditional work song of Hokkaido herring fishery workers, performed by school students in modern choreographed interpretations[Add to Longdo]
[わりましてあて, warimashiteate](n) (See 割増賃金) salary supplement, e.g. for work performed at inconvenient times or as overtime allowance usually for so-called exempt workers, i.e. workers who are expected to work a certain number of overtime hours[Add to Longdo]
[あいのきょうげん, ainokyougen](n) (See 間狂言) kyogen interlude; short scene during a noh play, performed by a kyogen actor (usu. explaining the play)[Add to Longdo]
[あいきょうげん, aikyougen](n) (See 本狂言) kyogen interlude; short scene during a noh play, performed by a kyogen actor (usu. explaining the play)[Add to Longdo]
[がんにんぼうず, ganninbouzu](n) priest who was also a street performer and performed prayers and other religious duties for the sake of other people[Add to Longdo]
[きにち;きじつ, kinichi ; kijitsu](n) (1) (See 命日・めいにち) anniversary of a person's death (on which Buddhist commemorative rites, etc. are performed); (2) (See 七七日) 49th day after a person's death, on which Buddhist rituals are performed[Add to Longdo]
[さんらい;さんれい;みれい, sanrai ; sanrei ; mirei](n) (See 三拝) adoration which is performed three times or repeatedly; act of worship which is performed three times or repeatedly[Add to Longdo]
[おとこまい, otokomai](n) (1) dance where a female dancer dresses up as a man (late Heian to early Kamakura period); (2) noh dance performed by a man without a mask[Add to Longdo]
[とりおい, torioi](n) (1) driving off birds; (2) procession held at the New Year to chase away the birds for the year, with children singing songs as the villagers walked from house to house; (3) female street musician who wore a braided hat and carried a shamisen; (4) street entertainer who appeared on New Year's eve and performed with a fan[Add to Longdo]
[たあそび, taasobi](n) ritual Shinto performance (usually performed around New Year's) to pray for a successful rice harvest in the coming year[Add to Longdo]
[へんばい, henbai](n) (1) (See 禹歩・1) ceremony performed by a sorcerer to protect a noble setting out on a trip; (2) dance steps inspired by this ceremony[Add to Longdo]