(n)shrubby perennial of southern Australia having downy or woolly stems and undersides of leaves and racemes of red to pink flowers, Syn.Swainsona greyana, Swainsona grandiflora
(n)hairy perennial with yellow flower heads in branched clusters; found almost everywhere in dry places from Canada to west central and western United States; sometimes placed in genus Chrysopsis, Syn.Heterotheca villosa, prairie golden aster, Chrysopsis villosa
(n)plant of Europe and Asia having purplish-red flowers and hairy stems and leaves; introduced into North America, Syn.Epilobium hirsutum, codlins-and-cream
[金毛狗, jīn máo gǒu, ㄐㄧㄣ ㄇㄠˊ ㄍㄡˇ]golden retriever (dog breed); Cibotium barometz, asian tropical tree fern with hairy fronds, used in traditional Chinese medicine[Add to Longdo]
[すばる;すまる;ぼう, subaru ; sumaru ; bou](n) (See 二十八宿) Chinese "Hairy Head" constellation (one of the 28 mansions); Pleiades; Seven Sisters#15000[Add to Longdo]