n. [ OF. grape, crape, bunch or cluster of grapes, F. grappe, akin to F. grappin grapnel, hook; fr. OHG. chrapfo hook, G. krapfen, akin to E. cramp. The sense seems to have come from the idea of clutching. Cf. Agraffe, Cramp, Grapnel, Grapple. ]
Grape borer. (Zool.)
Grape curculio (Zool.),
Grape flower,
Grape hyacinth (Bot.),
Grape fungus (Bot.),
Grape hopper (Zool.),
Grape moth (Zool.),
Grape of a cannon,
Grape sugar.
Grape worm (Zool.),
Sour grapes,
. The shaddock. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. Wanting grapes or the flavor of grapes. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. A building or inclosure used for the cultivation of grapes. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. (Mil.) A cluster, usually nine in number, of small iron balls, put together by means of cast-iron circular plates at top and bottom, with two rings, and a central connecting rod, in order to be used as a charge for a cannon. Formerly grapeshot were inclosed in canvas bags. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. A seed of the grape. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. (Bot.) A vine or climbing shrub, of the genus
☞ The common grapevine of the Old World is Vitis vinifera, and is a native of Central Asia. Another variety is that yielding small seedless grapes commonly called Zante currants. The northern
n. An ornamental evergreen shrub (Mahonia aquifolium) of the Pacific coast of North America having dark green pinnate leaves and racemes of yellow flowers followed by blue-black berries.
(Bot.) A favorite sweet American grape of a purple color. See
(Bot.) An evergreen species of barberry (Berberis Aquifolium), of Oregon and California; also, its roundish, blue-black berries. [ 1913 Webster ]