n. [ Cf. F. benzoate. ] (Chem.) A salt formed by the union of benzoic acid with any salifiable base. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. a chemical substance obtainable as a white crystalline ester (
a. [ Cf. F. benzoïque. ] Pertaining to, or obtained from, benzoin. [ 1913 Webster ]
Benzoic acid, or
Benzoic aldehyde,
n. [ Cf. F. benjoin, Sp. benjui, Pg. beijoin; all fr. Ar. lubān-jāwī incense form Sumatra (named Java in Arabic), the first syllable being lost. Cf. Benjamin. ] [ Called also
Flowers of benzoin,
a. (Med.) Containing or impregnated with benzoin;
☞ It has great solvent powers, and is used by manufacturers of India rubber and gutta percha; also for cleaning soiled kid gloves, and for other purposes. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. (Chem.)
n. (Pharm.) Guaiacol benzoate, used as an intestinal antiseptic and as a substitute for creosote in phthisis. It is a colorless crystalline pewder. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]
n. [ Benzoic + Gr. &unr_; wood. See -yl. ] (Chem.) A compound radical,
a. [ Gr.
a. [ Oxy-