Arzt { m }; Ärztin { f }; Mediziner { m }; Medizinerin { f } | Ärzte { pl }; Ärztinnen; Mediziner { pl }; Medizinerinnen { pl } | zum Arzt gehen | Arzt im Praktikum (AiP); Assistent im ersten Jahr | Jungassistent { m } | Altassistent { m }
doctor; physician | doctors; physicians | to go to the doctor | intern; first year resident [ Am. ]; junior houseofficer [ Br. ] | resident [ Am. ]; senior house officer (SHO) [ Br. ] | fellow [ Am. ]; registrar [ Br. ][Add to Longdo]
[いしゃのふようじょう, ishanofuyoujou](exp) failing to practice what one preaches; physician, heal thyself; doctors often neglect their own health[Add to Longdo]
[ほうげん, hougen](n) (1) { Buddh } (See 五眼) the dharma eye; (2) (abbr) second highest priestly rank in Buddhism; (3) (arch) title bestowed upon doctors, etc.[Add to Longdo]