[だじょうかん;だいじょうかん;おおいまつりごとのつかさ, dajoukan ; daijoukan ; ooimatsurigotonotsukasa](n) (1) (だじょうかん, だいじょうかん only) Grand Council of State (1868-1885 CE); (2) (usu. だいじょうかん) (See 律令制) Department of State (under the ritsuryo system)#16081[Add to Longdo]
[りつりょう;りつれい, ritsuryou ; ritsurei](n) (See 律, 令・りょう) criminal, administrative and civil codes (forming the basis of ancient East Asian law; orig. Chinese); legal codes of the Nara and Heian eras based on Chinese models#17807[Add to Longdo]
[おたうえまつり, otauematsuri](n) (1) shrine ritual held with the first two months of the year to forecast (or pray for) a successful harvest; (2) seasonal planting of rice on a field affiliated with a shrine[Add to Longdo]
[ふいごまつり, fuigomatsuri](n) Bellows Festival (festival for blacksmiths and foundries on the eighth day of the eleventh month of the lunar calendar, on which they would clean their bellows and pray)[Add to Longdo]
[むっつりすけべい;むっつりすけべ, muttsurisukebei ; muttsurisukebe](n) (See むっつり・1) lecher with a quiet exterior; lecher who doesn't seem it and doesn't talk about it[Add to Longdo]
[potsuripotsuri ; potsuripotsuri](adv, adv-to) (1) (on-mim) intermittently; bit by bit; little by little; by ones and twos; (2) (on-mim) in drops (e.g. of rain)[Add to Longdo]
[ヨーヨーつり, yo-yo-tsuri](n) yo-yo fishing; Japanese festival game of fishing balloons (with loops attached), floating in water, out with a hook[Add to Longdo]