[ヨウそデンプンはんのう(ヨウ素デンプン反応);ようそでんぷんはんのう(沃素澱粉反応), you so denpun hannou ( you moto denpun hannou ); yousodenpunhannou ( yoku moto denp](n) iodo-starch reaction[Add to Longdo]
[そでした, sodeshita](n) (1) (arch) bottom of the sleeve; (2) height of the sleeve (of traditional Japanese clothing); (3) (See 袖の下) secret; secret bribe[Add to Longdo]
[とめそで, tomesode](n) formal, usually black, kimono with designs along the bottom of the skirt worn by married women on ceremonial occasions[Add to Longdo]