[はこぶ, hakobu](v5b) (1) to carry; to transport; to move; to convey; (2) (hon) (usu. as お運びになる, お運び下さる, etc.) (See 足を運ぶ) to come; to go; (3) to wield (a tool, etc.); to use; (v5b, vi) (4) to go (well, etc.); to proceed; to progress; (P)#12173[Add to Longdo]
[ふるつわもの;こへい(古兵);こぶし(古武士), furutsuwamono ; kohei ( ko hei ); kobushi ( ko bushi )](n) (1) (こぶし only) feudal warrior; samurai; (2) old soldier; veteran; old hand[Add to Longdo]
[こぶり, koburi](adj-na, adj-no) (1) (See 大振り・1) smallish; on the small side; somewhat small; undersized; small size; (n, vs) (2) short swing of a bat, racquet, etc.[Add to Longdo]
[こぶくろとこむすめ, kobukurotokomusume](exp) (1) small bag and young woman; (2) like a small bag seems to be able to contain few items yet can be stuffed with many, a young woman seems inexpensive to bring up yet can end up costing a lot; (3) a young woman and a small bag are both fragile and great care must be taken with both of them[Add to Longdo]