[なおす, naosu](v5s, vt) (1) (usu. 治す) to cure; to heal; (2) (usu. 直す) to fix; to correct; to repair; (aux-v) (3) (usu. 直す) to do over again (after -masu base of verb); (4) (usu. 直す) to replace; to put back as it was; (5) (usu. 直す) to convert (into a different state); to transform; (P)[Add to Longdo]
[なおる, naoru](v5r, vi) (1) (esp. 治る) to be cured; to get well; to be healed; (2) (esp. 直る) to get mended; to be repaired; to be fixed; (P)[Add to Longdo]