[さる(P);まし(ok);ましら(ok), saru (P); mashi (ok); mashira (ok)](n) (1) monkey (esp. the Japanese macaque, Macaca fuscata); (2) (さる only) (derog) sly person; (3) (さる only) sliding wooden bolt (for holding a door or window shut); (4) (さる only) (See 自在鉤) clasp used to control the height of a pot-hook; (5) (さる only) (arch) (See 湯女) bathhouse prostitute; (P)#5820[Add to Longdo]
[さる, saru](v5r, vi) (1) to leave; to go away; (2) to pass; to elapse; (3) to be distant; (v5r, vt) (4) to send away; to drive off; to divorce; (suf, v5r) (5) (after a -masu stem, esp. of a suru verb) ... completely; (adj-pn) (6) (去る only) (ant#11001[Add to Longdo]
[さるもきからおちる, sarumokikaraochiru](exp, v1) even monkeys fall from trees; anyone can make a mistake; pride comes before a fall; even Homer sometimes nods[Add to Longdo]
[さるがく;さるごう, sarugaku ; sarugou](n) (1) (arch) sarugaku (form of theatre popular in Japan during the 11th to 14th centuries); (2) (さるがく only) (See 能楽) noh; (3) (さるごう only) fooling around[Add to Longdo]