[ろくろっくび, rokurokkubi](n) (See 轆轤首) rokurokubi; long-neck woman; monstrous person (often a woman) with a neck that can expand and contract (in Japanese folklore)[Add to Longdo]
[ろくろくび, rokurokubi](n) rokurokubi; long-neck woman; monstrous person (often a woman) with a neck that can expand and contract (in Japanese folklore)[Add to Longdo]
[kesaranpasaran ; keseranpaseran ; keseranpasaran ; tensarabasara](n) (1) flock from a vine-seed weed, used for face powder, and believed to promote desire and happiness; (2) animal from popular folklore with a white fluffy down made from dandelions and a rabbit's tail resembling a fluffy hairball[Add to Longdo]
[かまいたち, kamaitachi](n) (1) type Japanese folkloric monster (yokai), thought to be a trio of weasels who appear in a whirlwind to cut their victim; (2) cut caused by whirlwind[Add to Longdo]