n. [ Cf. OF. touroul a little wooden instrument to fasten doors or windows. ] A certain tool used by coopers. Sherwood. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ OE. touret, OF. tourette, dim. of tour a tower, L. turris. See Tower. ] [ 1913 Webster ]
Turret clock,
Turret head (Mach.),
Turret lathe,
Turret ship,
. A narrow superstructure running from stem to stern on the upper deck of a steam cargo vessel having a rounded gunwale and sides curved inward convexly. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]
. an attachment fitted to a lathe or other machinery which holds a variety of tools which can act on the object being worked, and which are interchangeable by a pivoting motion, thus allowing efficient performance of multiple operations; -- also called a
. a lathe fitted with a turrethead. [ PJC ]
. A whaleback steamer with a hatch coaming, usually about seven feet high, extending almost continuously fore and aft. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]
n. [ OE. touret, OF. tourette, dim. of tour a tower, L. turris. See Tower. ] [ 1913 Webster ]
Turret clock,
Turret head (Mach.),
Turret lathe,
Turret ship,
. A narrow superstructure running from stem to stern on the upper deck of a steam cargo vessel having a rounded gunwale and sides curved inward convexly. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]
. an attachment fitted to a lathe or other machinery which holds a variety of tools which can act on the object being worked, and which are interchangeable by a pivoting motion, thus allowing efficient performance of multiple operations; -- also called a
. a lathe fitted with a turrethead. [ PJC ]
. A whaleback steamer with a hatch coaming, usually about seven feet high, extending almost continuously fore and aft. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]