a. [ LL. telaris, fr. L. tela a web. See Toil a snare. ] Of or pertaining to a web; hence, spinning webs; retiary. “Pictures of telary spiders.” Sir T. Browne. [ 1913 Webster ]
[わかみや, wakamiya](n) (1) young imperial prince; (2) child of the imperial family; (3) (See 本宮) shrine dedicated to a child of the god of the main shrine; (4) (See 勧請) newly built shrine (to which a divided tutelary deity has just been transferred)#12260[Add to Longdo]
[かんじょう, kanjou](n, vs) (1) praying for the coming of a deity; (2) (See 分霊) ceremonial transfer of a divided tutelary deity to a new location[Add to Longdo]
[はつみやまいり, hatsumiyamairi](n) (See 宮参り) first visit of a child to the shrine of its tutelary deity (usu. when the child is about 30 days old)[Add to Longdo]