n. [ L. rixari, p. p. rixatus, to brawl, fr. rixa a quarrel. ] A brawl or quarrel. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Cf. F. fixation. ]
An unalterable fixation of resolution. Killingbeck. [ 1913 Webster ]
To light, created in the first day, God gave no proper place or fixation. Sir W. Raleigh. [ 1913 Webster ]
Marked stiffness or absolute fixation of a joint. Quain. [ 1913 Webster ]
A fixation and confinement of thought to a few objects. Watts. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Cf. F. fixation. ]
An unalterable fixation of resolution. Killingbeck. [ 1913 Webster ]
To light, created in the first day, God gave no proper place or fixation. Sir W. Raleigh. [ 1913 Webster ]
Marked stiffness or absolute fixation of a joint. Quain. [ 1913 Webster ]
A fixation and confinement of thought to a few objects. Watts. [ 1913 Webster ]