n. [ Gr. &unr_; a bean + &unr_; to bend, to slope. ] (Bot.) Formerly, a genus of plants including the cypress vine (Quamoclit vulgaris, now called Ipomœa Quamoclit). The genus is now merged in Ipomœa. [ 1913 Webster ]
[トカゲもく(トカゲ目);とかげもく(蜥蜴目), tokage moku ( tokage me ); tokagemoku ( tokage me )](n) (See 有鱗類) Squamata (order of scaled reptiles, sometimes esp. the Sauria or Lacertilia)[Add to Longdo]
[yabusame](n) Asian stubtail (bird), Urosphena squameiceps; family of birds (stubtails), Urosphena, including the Asian stubtail, the Timor stubtail, etc.[Add to Longdo]